About AutoShelf

The solution presented aims to help homeowners use more effective storage solutions in their homes, maximizing safety and space efficiency. With an automated system, storing items at high altitudes is safe and easy. A better storage system leads to a more organized area, which improves productivity and free space for other items.

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#3 (Feb 18)


Completed Tasks:

Start Ordering

- order the mechanical components, actuator and sensors from the link in Item_list.xml

Make UI and shelf to show for the presentaion

Shelf(Image) & Touch Screen UI(Video)

Presentation on Feb/17

Member Locations:

  • Matt G: Waterloo

  • Matt L: Waterloo

  • Jacob: Waterloo

  • Oliver: Waterloo

After the presentation

- We should start our main feature of the project
- Modification of the design is required because of length of actuator.
- Oliver and Matthew G will be responsible for Mechanical Design and production

Purchase Items

- Need to buy ply-wood from Home hardware stores
- Buys wheels
- Get thick rope that can handle more than 20kg in total
- Get tools?(Oliver will try to get it from other places -> saves money)
- Order the gear and motors from McMaster

Tentative Term Plan

- Oliver and Matt G will came up with the design and start building the main elevator component

- Jacob will be looking through the datasheet of the sensor and start making modules for RasberryPI

To do:

Keep Ordering

- Gear, Shaft and motors

Purchase right now

- Ply-wood. wheel, hook, and wood/metal screws

Design and build

- Matthew G and Oliver make a modified design for the elevator system

- Build in the machine shop