
About AutoShelf

The solution presented aims to help homeowners use more effective storage solutions in their homes, maximizing safety and space efficiency. With an automated system, storing items at high altitudes is safe and easy. A better storage system leads to a more organized area, which improves productivity and free space for other items.

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#7_FINAL (Mar 18)

Finally we finished our FYDP! Congratulate to everyone!! I, Oliver, will be updating the final video, poster and report as it finishes! Lets start writing the report and good luck to all your finals~~ Thank you Matthew L, Matthe G and Jacob Armstrong  

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#6 (Mar 11)

   Completed Tasks: Upgrade the system Make a video Demo day Member Locations: Matt G: Waterloo Matt L: Waterloo Jacob: Waterloo Oliver: Waterloo After demo: - Make the elevator to go on second floor Poster submission - Its due on day before the symposium To do: Last Update - Matthew G will be modifying the top wood so that elevator can go to the second floor - Jacob and Matthew L will constantly testing for the symposium Make a poster - Oliver will be make the template - All the members should contribute to the writing on the poster

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#5 (Mar 4)

   Completed Tasks: Implementation of electrical and software parts to run the system Member Locations: Matt G: Waterloo Matt L: Waterloo Jacob: Waterloo Oliver: Waterloo After testing full run of storing and retrieving - After fixing all the software and electrical problems, there are too much vibration on the system. - Make a path on the poles so that wheel can run more stable while going up and down. - For the sensor, the pressure sensor is not working well. We should implement additional wheel that not only stabilizes from the vibration but also it gives stronger force to the sensor so that it can detect the level. Video submission - Oliver will be responsible for making the video To do: Upgrade the system - Implement additional wheel on the side to reduce the vibration and let sensor detect the pressure. - Make a path on the poles so that the wheel of the cage can go more smoothly. Make a video - Oliver will be making a video for our system Demo day - Demo on March 11

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#4 (Feb 25)

   Completed Tasks: Keep Ordering - Purchased the motor, gear and shaft Purchase right now - Purchased all the materials to build the elevator Design and build Member Locations: Matt G: Waterloo Matt L: Waterloo Jacob: Toronto -> Waterloo(Soon) Oliver: Toronto -> Waterloo(Soon) After the building the mechanical part of the - Before implementing electrical part, the testing of each component through Rasberry PI is required (To prevent from breaking whole system) - Now we should implement all the motors, shaft, gear, Rasberry PI and etc - We should run a full procedure testing, storing and retrieving. - The implementation will be done by Matthew L and Jacob - If there is any problem, fit it. To do: Implementation of electrical and software parts to run the system - Take a unit testing and regression testing before implementing directly to the elevator

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#3 (Feb 18)

   Completed Tasks: Start Ordering - order the mechanical components, actuator and sensors from the link in Item_list.xml Make UI and shelf to show for the presentaion Shelf(Image) & Touch Screen UI(Video) Presentation on Feb/17 Member Locations: Matt G: Waterloo Matt L: Waterloo Jacob: Waterloo Oliver: Waterloo After the presentation - We should start our main feature of the project - Modification of the design is required because of length of actuator. - Oliver and Matthew G will be responsible for Mechanical Design and production Purchase Items - Need to buy ply-wood from Home hardware stores - Buys wheels - Get thick rope that can handle more than 20kg in total - Get tools?(Oliver will try to get it from other places -> saves money) - Order the gear and motors from McMaster Tentative Term Plan - Oliver and Matt G will came up with the design and start building the main elevator component - Jacob will be looking through the datasheet of the sensor and start making modules for

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#2 (Feb 11)

   Completed Tasks: Webpage (due Jan 28th) Github pages: Matt G to set up repo this weekend Brochure Information (due Feb 4) LinkedIn photos Matt L:  I’ll make this with publisher Make a item lists with websites (Feb 18) Member Locations: Matt G: Waterloo Matt L: Waterloo Jacob: Ottawa -Toronto (soon) Oliver: Waterloo (Soon) Item List Tentative Term Plan Overall: We are building a prototype for March 18-19 Jacob will bring his Rasberry_PI and sensor kit To do: Start Ordering - order the mechanical components, actuator and sensors from the link in Item_list.xml Make UI and shelf to show for the presentaion - Oliver will be making the shelf - Jacob will be responsible for UI of the system (Touch Screen) Presentation on Feb/17 - Matthew G and Matthew L will be preparing the slide show.

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#1 (Jan 21)

  Reminder of our AutoShelf Design Member Locations Matt G: Waterloo Matt L: Richmond Hill Jacob: Ottawa ->Toronto (soon) Oliver: Ottwa -> Waterloo (Soon) Tentative Term Plan Overall: We are building a prototype for March 18-19 Matt G: Where will it live? Send email! Software Controllers Ordering of Parts Jacob: look up expensing/ask before we order anything Make checklist of parts plus money Box Magnets Shelf materials To do: Webpage (due Jan 28th) Github pages: Matt G to set up repo this weekend Brochure Information (due Feb 4) LinkedIn photos Matt L:  I’ll make this with publisher Make a item lists with websites (Feb 18)