About AutoShelf

The solution presented aims to help homeowners use more effective storage solutions in their homes, maximizing safety and space efficiency. With an automated system, storing items at high altitudes is safe and easy. A better storage system leads to a more organized area, which improves productivity and free space for other items.

MTE 482: Weekly Logbook#4 (Feb 25)


Completed Tasks:

Keep Ordering

- Purchased the motor, gear and shaft

Purchase right now

- Purchased all the materials to build the elevator

Design and build

Member Locations:

  • Matt G: Waterloo

  • Matt L: Waterloo

  • Jacob: Toronto -> Waterloo(Soon)

  • Oliver: Toronto -> Waterloo(Soon)

After the building the mechanical part of the

- Before implementing electrical part, the testing of each component through Rasberry PI is required
(To prevent from breaking whole system)
- Now we should implement all the motors, shaft, gear, Rasberry PI and etc
- We should run a full procedure testing, storing and retrieving.
- The implementation will be done by Matthew L and Jacob
- If there is any problem, fit it.

To do:

Implementation of electrical and software parts to run the system

- Take a unit testing and regression testing before implementing directly to the elevator